The Intangible Economy Within Me

The Intangible Economy Within Me

The Intangible Economy Within Me

Model Number: STPTIE-032020
Did you know you were created to be a profitable entity used to advance humanity?

The Intangible Economy Within Me training program uses key organizational leadership and development methods and techniques as a way to unearth latent economies within you. By establishing psychology safety within our collaborative spheres. The Intangible Economy’s, The Intangible Economy Within Me training program instructs you on how to create opportunities for self-discovery and self-actualization to manifest a profitable personal economic plan. The Intangible Economy Within Me training program is offered in a 4 or 8 week live online training format.

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Achievement Markers:

*Create a profitable 90-day personal economic plan

*Uncover how to always connect with the right people and organizations

*Discover how to identify emerging trends, technologies, and economies